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Anargyros Kosmas Physiotherapist: Book an online appointment Anargyros Kosmas Physiotherapist: Book an online appointment

Kosmas Anargyros

Physiotherapist Kolonos

EOPYY Contracted

Professional Identification Number: 11231

  • real-hours icon Actual appointment availability
  • Estimated confirmation time 15

Why he is suitable for you

Ο Κοσμάς Ανάργυρος είναι Φυσικοθεραπευτής και διατηρεί το φυσικοθεραπευτήριο του στον Κολωνό. Είναι κάτοχος πτυχίου Φυσιοθεραπείας από το Ανώτατο Τεχνικό Επαγγελματικό Ίδρυμα Πατρών - Παράρτημα Αιγαίου. Στον ευχάριστο και πλήρως εξοπλισμένο χώρο του με σύγχρονες τεχνικές και μεθόδους αντιμετωπίζονται πληθώρα παθήσεων. Ο φυσικοθεραπευτής πέρα από την φυσικοθεραπευτική αξιολόγηση και αποκατάσταση εξειδικεύεται στις αθλητικές κακώσεις, καθώς και την νευρολογική αποκατάσταση. Τις σύγχρονες και άρτιες φυσικοθεραπευτικές υπηρεσίες του τις παρέχει στο ιδιωτικό του ιατρείο στον Κολωνό από το 2015 έως και σήμερα.

The description was edited by the doctoranytime team, based on verified information.


  • Neurological rehabilitation
  • Athletic injuries
  • Physiotherapeutic appraisal and rehabilitation
5 patients' recommendations


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Does not provide e-prescription


Costs are indicative and will be determined on a case by case basis

Does not provide e-prescription

Patient Reviews

Verified reviews from real patients

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From 5 reviews

Reviews by 5 patients
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
He/she was trustworthy
Experienced & qualified
Approachable & friendly
  • All (5)
  • Positive (5)
  • Neutral (0)
  • Negative (0)
24 May 2024
Verified patient
Member since 15 May 2024 Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Έχω ένα πρόβλημα με το κάτω μέρος της πλάτης μου στην αριστερή πλευρά. Ήδη μετά το 2ο ραντεβού ο Κοσμάς και η ομάδα του κατάφεραν να απαλύνουν τον πόνο. Όλα πήγαν χωρίς επιπλοκές. εύκολα στην επικοινωνία / I have a problem with my lower back on the left side. Already after the 2nd appointment Kosmas and his team were able to ease the pain. Everything went without complications / easy to communicate to and reliable. They also speak English if needed.
09 December 2023
Verified patient
Member since 03 December 2023 Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
22 November 2023
Verified patient
Member since 24 July 2023 Verified Review 1 review in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Σωστά καταρτισμένος επιστήμονας με ενδιαφέρον για το πρόβλημα μου, ιδιαίτερα φιλικός και ευγενικός
07 October 2021
Verified patient
Member since 15 May 2017 Verified Review 7 reviews in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Με εξέτασε ενδελεχώς, αφιερώθηκε αρκετή ώρα, ένοιωσα εμπιστοσύνη. Εξαιρετικός.
30 November 2020
Verified patient
Member since 17 February 2014 Verified Review 14 reviews in doctoranytime
Approachable & friendly
Experienced & qualified
He/she was trustworthy
He/she investigated my illness/condition in detail
Επικοινωνιακός, αναλυτικός και πολύ καλός στη δουλειά του. Φροντισμένος χώρος και ευχάριστο περιβάλλον. Θα τον πρότεινα ανεπιφύλακτα.

Access and Appointments

  • Kaltezon 2 & Lenorman 74, Kolonos , Attica
    • 1,20km ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ
    • 23m ΠΑΛΑΜΗΔΙΟΥ
    • 82m ΑΛΑΜΑΝΑΣ
    • 109m ΚΙΚΙΖΑ
    • 512m [P] CHIOU 2 GARAGE
    • 622m PARKING KAPA
    • 675m KAROLOU 12 GARAGE
  • Payment Methods

    Bank Card

    Appointment Policy

    • Payment at the practice
      During your visit, you can select the payment method of your choice from the options mentioned above.
    • Cancellation
      You can always cancel up to 3 hours before the appointment. For more information please read our cancellation policy.


    ΕΟΠΥΥ EOPYY Contracted
    Private appointment

Curriculum Vitae and Career


  • Πτυχίο Φυσικοθεραπείας, Τμήμα Φυσικοθεραπείας, Ανώτατο Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα Πατρών - Παράρτημα Αιγίου, (2007 - 2014)

Professional experience

  • Φυσικοθεραπευτής, Ιδιωτικό ιατρείο, PhysioLab A.K., (2015 - σήμερα)
Doctoranytime is an end-to-end solution that assists the user from the moment they experience a health symptom until the moment it is resolved, by enabling them to find the specialist they need, request guidance via chat and talk to them via video call. The information provided has been filled in by Kosmas Anargyros and edited by the doctoranytime team.
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