Konstantelias Athanasios is a Neurosurgeon Acupuncturist, maintains an Acupuncture practice in Athens and Peristeri. He specializes in the application of Medical Acupuncture according to therapeutic protocols, which are specific to each patient. He holds a degree in Medicine from the University of Crete and a diploma from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has been post-trained in the Department of Neurotraumatology and Spine at the SRH Zentralklinikum Suhl in Germany. He has served as a Consultant Neurosurgeon (Facharzt Neurochirurgie) at the Cereneo Clinic in Lucerne, Switzerland. He holds a Diploma in Medical Acupuncture, which he obtained after 2 years of training and examinations from the Acupuncture Training Institute of Greece. He holds a Diploma in Medical Acupuncture from the ICMART World Council of Medical Acupuncture. She has further postgraduate specialization in Yamamoto's Scalp Acupuncture at the International School of Scalp Acupuncture. Yamamoto's method is also referred to as neuroacupuncture. In this method, acute and chronic pain and neurological conditions are treated by inserting a small number of needles into specific areas of the head. The method is used for a variety of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, musculoskeletal pain and neuralgia. The practitioner carries out acupuncture treatments across the therapeutic spectrum.